

Sale price$8.90

Ever asked someone the question "What would you like to eat", only to get the headache-inducing answer of "Anything"? (You have our sympathies.) It's an easy answer, but "anything" is actually a really hard request to fulfill. We bet that you've also learned (hopefully not the hard way) that "anything" is never truly anything.

So here's something to help you out: A dish that could be chicken or pork, meaty yet full of veggies, light tasting yet with enough sauce to down a bowl of rice. Quick to cook, and even quicker to eat, this dish will definitely hit the spot, especially on days when you don't quite know what you want. Now Anything is really possible.

PS: Inspired by the time we ordered "anything" 14 years ago from a little chinese takeout in the middle of rural USA, and was served this amazing dish.

Size:Single Portion
Meat:Chicken Breast

Effort Level: 1 Hat

Equipment Needed: Pan

Cooking Time: 5-6 minutes

Spice Level: No Spice (0 chilli)

Total Calories: 385kcal

What to Expect

Effort Level: 1 Hat

Equipment Needed: Pan

Cooking Time: 5-6 minutes

Spice Level: No Spice (0 chilli)

Total Calories: 385kcal